The Arrowhead Radio Amateur Club Hamfest - aka: Duluth Hamfest, even though it's held in Superior, WI, was a great success. The weather was picture perfect to be in the twin ports of Duluth/Superior for their annual hamfest. Lots of good ham camaraderie and eyeball QSOs were happening throughout the day while all kinds of interesting buys were to be had at some of the tables. The club also had their signature BBQ sandwiches and other goodies to keep everyone fueled up for the day. We talked to a lot of hams at the ARRL display about quite a few topics. There was a lot of interest with the National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) special event going on throughout the year. Following the hamfest, I drove up to Grand Portage and activated the Grand Portage National Monument (MN-42)for NPOTA. Thanks to all the members of the Arrowhead Radio Amateur Club who made this hamfest another great reason to head up to Lake Superior!

Manning the ARRL booth from L to R: Dakota Division Vice Director, Matt Holden, KØBBC, Minnesota Asst. Section Manager, Brian Mc Inerney, NØBM, Minnesota Section Manager, Skip Jackson, KSØJ, Dakota Division Director, Kent Olson, KAØLDG, Wisconsin Section Manager, Gary Sorensen, W9ULK, & DXCC Card Checker, Mike Cizek, WØVTT.