Huron Amateur Radio Association is hosting a Centennial Celebration on June 4, 2022. The Huron ARA was affiliated with the ARRL on February 17, 1922 and was organized as a amateur radio association about the same time.
ARRL Dakota Division Director Bill Lippert, ACØW, recognized Twin City DX Association on 50 years of affiliation with the ARRL at its April meeting on April 18, 2022. Bill presented a plaque of appreciation from the ARRL to long time club members Bill Dean, WØOR, Hans Brakob, KØHB, and Dave Wester, KØIEA.
At the March meeting of the Hot Spring Amateur Radio Club ARRL Dakota Division Director Bill Lippert, ACØW, presented to club President Pete Burkett, WN6QJN, a plaque recognizing the club for being affiliated with the ARRL for 60 years. The club was affiliated with the ARRL on March 28, 1962.
St Cloud Radio Club was recognized for being affiliated with the ARRL for 100 years, the longest affiliated club in Minnesota with an affiliation date of May 26 1922. ARRL Dakota Division Director Bill Lippert, ACØW, present a plaque of appreciation to St Cloud RC President Randy Welsand, WJØL, at the club's March meeting on March 17, 2022.
Jamestown Amateur Radio Club was recognized April 20, 2022 for being and ARRL Affiliated Club for 75 years. Jamestown ARC was first affiliated with the ARRL on May 2, 1947, making them the longest affiliated club in North Dakota. Jamestown ARC is located in Jamestown, ND. More information about the club can be obtained from their website Below ARRL Dakota Division Director Bill Lippert, ACØW, left; presents plaque of recognition to Jamestown ARC President Jason Linz, ND0JL. Photo by Michelle Linz, NDØML Below shows Jamestown ARC 25- and 50-year Affiliated Club Certificates Below is the motion passed by the ARRL Board of Directors in January recognizing the club.
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